8 Tips On How To Find Jewelry For Women

8 Tips On How To Find Jewelry For Women

Jewelry For Women

Are You In Need Of A Jewelry Gift For The Special Lady In Your Life?

It does not matter if it is a Birthday Gift, a Christmas Gift, or an Anniversary Gift, men everywhere are always scrambling to find the best jewelry for women available today.

To help all you men out there trying to find that perfect necklace for women or earrings for women.  We are going to provide you with 8 tips on how to find the best jewelry for women on all occasions.  

8 Secrets On How To Find The Best Jewelry For The Women In Your Life

1. Watch Her Shop

Listen up fellas, I cannot express just how important this first step is.  If you really want to learn what makes your lady smile and get excited, you must pay attention to her when she is shopping.  Watch to see what type of jewelry makes her eyes light up. 

Pay attention to see which type of jewelry for women she is constantly talking about.  Look and see if there is one certain piece of jewelry that she keeps checking out online or every time you visit that specific store. 

I know as men going shopping seems like the most boring and useless thing in the world.  However, if you really want to show her just how much you truly love her and how much you love see that beautiful smile of hers you are going to have to suck it up, pay attention to her, and watch her shop!

Want To Make Her Smile? Grab Her This Handmade Love Dancing Necklace For Women Today!

Love Dancing Necklace For Women

2. Get Her A Piece Of Jewelry That Will Have Sentimental Value

Whenever you are trying to find jewelry for women or any other gift for that matter, always try and find something that has sentimental value to it. What I mean when I say sentimental value is to find a piece of jewelry that has meaning or history. For example, say you met your wife at church, maybe consider getting her a necklace that has a cross and heart pendant. 

Or, pay close attention to her when she goes out to see if there is a certain piece of jewelry that she always wears and you know she loves.  Then have it polished or even take it to a jeweler and have a special message engraved onto the piece of jewelry. 

In all honesty, you do not always have to go and buy and big expensive piece of jewelry for women.  In fact, getting something with sentimental value is most likely going to earn you way more brownie points with your lady.  When you provide a gift to her that has a sentimental value it shows her that you do pay attention to her and the things that are most important to her in life are most important to you as well.

Take A Look At This Beautiful Handmade Cross Necklace For Women

Cross Necklace For Women

3. Don't Buy Her Something Because You Like The Way She Looks In It. Buy Her Something You Know She Loves.

Many expert jewelers have said the same thing.  One of the biggest mistakes men make when buying jewelry for women is they pick out what they like on the women and not what the women would feel most comfortable in. This is also a common mistake made by many jewelry sales assistants as well!

Nathalie Petitjean, a jewelry consultant in Paris and the former store manager for Chaumet and Tiffany said “What you have to keep in mind is that a jewel is made to adorn the woman,” she went further on to say. “The jewel is an extension of her personality. A woman will always give you some clue of what she is fond of.”

Another jewelry consultant by the name of Cynthia Renée Zava said in an interview that a big mistake men make when buying jewelry for women is that men can often be easily swayed into a purchase with which they’re trying to mark the women.  She then said what she means by that is when a man buys a piece of jewelry that recognizes their spending power, not necessarily one that is intrinsically rare or beautiful. She went further on to say “Jewelry should feel alive and sensual on the body – not stiff, sharp, or unyielding.”

So, don’t get caught up in trying to buy something big, fancy, and expensive. Go back to the first 2 steps of this article and remember to list to your women.  The lady in your life will drop hints and let you know what it is that she truly likes and wants.  


4. Ask Questions, Pay Attention At What She Wears Daily, & Take A Sneak Peak Inside Her Jewelry Box

It does not matter if the jewelry for women that you need is for your girlfriend, your wife, or your fiance.  The same rules apply, pay attention to her and study her daily to see what type of jewelry she is wearing the most. Pay attention to close details. For example, see if she is wearing regular gold, white gold, or silver the most.  Also, take into consideration what type of job she has. You do not want to get her something that she cannot wear daily and show off how much she loves it.

The next thing to do is to ask plenty of questions.  If you are like me and know nothing about jewelry for women, asking plenty of questions is the best thing you can do.  Ask her straight out what is her favorite type of jewelry.  Also, be sure to find out if she is allergic to any type of jewelry. 

Now if all else fails, take a look inside of her jewelry box.  See what type of jewelry she has the most of. When you do this you can revert to the sentimental rule.  If you cannot figure out what type of jewelry for women to buy take all the jewelry in her jewelry box and have it professionally cleaned for her. I guarantee that will make her smile!

Jewelry For Women

5. Learn Her Favorite Syle Of Wardrobe

Knowing what style of clothing the woman in your life likes best will help you make a solid decision when buying her jewelry.  One major thing you want to try and take notice of is the color of clothing she likes to wear the most.  For example, if she likes to wear clothes with cooler tones such as blues and purples, sterling necklaces, sterling silver earrings, and sterling silver bracelets are going to go well with her wardrobe. 

Next, notice if the woman in your life likes to dress in casual or formal clothing. Long earrings and pendants are the best jewelry for women who like to dress more formally.  A delicate pendant necklace more suites those women who like to dress in more casual wear like blue jeans and t-shirts for example.  

6. Take Into Consideration What Type Of Job She Has

Taking into consideration what type of job she has when buying jewelry for women is going to help you make a much better choice in jewelry. 

For example, if she has a corporate job where she dresses business casual maybe a nice watch or pendant necklace that goes well with her suits and dresses. If she has a more labor-intensive job like a restaurant or factory then some earrings would be the safest choice.  You want to get her something that she can wear at work and still abide by safety regulations. 

Jewelry For Women

Love Knot Necklace

7. Look At Her Skin Tone

If the lady in your life has a darker skin tone then consider going with a yellow-gold piece of jewelry. Dark skin women look absolutely amazing in yellow gold. 

Women with skin tones of tan and fair look spectacular in rose gold jewelry. 

If your loved one has a cooler tone and fair complexion,  then white gold or silver metallic jewelry is what you want to look for. 

If you are in doubt about what color of jewelry for women would fit your lady the best.  Always go with white gold.  White gold looks great against dark, tan, and fair complexion skin as well.  


8. Ask Her Friends For The Best Jewelry For Women Ideas

It is no big secret that women love to gossip with their girlfriends. They talk about clothing, jewelry, food, basically all the things men have little or no interest in.  Well,  you can almost guarantee that they tell their girlfriends what type of gifts they would like from their man as a birthday gift, anniversary gift, or Christmas gift. 

So, if you are on a talking basis with her girlfriends, best friend preferably.  Go straight to the most reliable source there is and simply ask!  You can guarantee that if her best friend tells you that she wants something particular, it is a safe bet and she is going to love it if you get it. 


There you have it, 8 tips to help you find the best jewelry for women available today for that special lady in your life.  Be sure to shop around for some of our best jewelry below. 

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